Mac & PC

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Ut interdum ultrices orci, ac euismod orci sollicitudin in. Donec porta tempor molestie.


Ut interdum ultrices orci, ac euismod orci sollicitudin in. Donec porta tempor molestie.

Gaming stations

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our company

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Ut interdum ultrices orci, ac euismod orci sollicitudin in. Donec porta tempor molestie.

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oriented service

Ut interdum ultrices orci, ac euismod orci sollicitudin in. Donec porta tempor molestie.


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We not only repair computers,
but also sell them

We sell computer equipment and accessories with worldwide delivery, both in retail and in bulk (its own affiliate network). Served over the past year 120 100 customers. Of these, 70% return to us again. We work in the IT market since 1987, online sales since 2008.
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Enough suffering with a weak computer!

Do the work faster – update your computer or buy a new one from us.